3/22, 3/23, 3/24

Going away on vacation means a hole in your schedule that will take some time to retroactively fill back up.  Starting to lose some of my many threads here, but I’ll do what I can.  Lingering sickness doesn’t help.  It occurred to me that an appropriate curse of sickness in a fantasy story could be someone continually coughing and having to hawk up sparrows or mice.  I just wonder what I’ve done to merit the curse, myself.

Day Before Yesterday’s Deeds
Worked at newspaper — 60 GP

Yesterday’s Deeds
Read 100 pages — 30 GP
Ran an errand — +1 Dut, 20 GP
Met up with friend/colleague — +1 Gen, 20 GP

Today’s Deeds
Did some cleaning —  +1 Dut, 10 GP
Finished editing Benjamin chapter — +1 Fin, 30 GP
Wrote 1000 words — +1 Inv, 50 GP
Spent quality time with friends — +1 Gen

Author: Jeff Deck

Author and administrator of this site.