4/21 – 4/24

What a series of whirlwinds.  Lately my favorite expression when talking with Jane has been “under the gun,” but I think that my work deadlines should relax for a bit.  Now let’s see if I can recall accurately what’s happened since Saturday.

4/21 Deeds
Wrote 1000 words — +1 Inv, 50 GP
Celebrated with friends — +1 Gen, 20 GP
Subtract entertainment minutes — -60 GP

4/22 Deeds
Subtract entertainment minutes — -175 GP
Uploaded Tiki Hut video — 20 GP
Did freelance editing work — 60 GP

4/23 Deeds
Worked at newspaper — 60 GP
Did some cleaning — +1 Dut, 10 GP
Did freelance editing work — 60 GP
Subtract entertainment minutes — -22 GP

4/24 Deeds
Did some cleaning — +1 Dut, 10 GP
Ran an errand — +1 Dut, 20 GP
Did freelance editing work — +1 Fin, 60 GP
Subtracted entertainment minutes — -50 GP

Author: Jeff Deck

Author and administrator of this site.