Scribing on the Go

Since so much of my writing mind has been fixed lately on a tale involving the wondrous future of mobile devices, maybe it’s only fitting that I now scrawl this on a webOS WordPress app, hoping against hope that these words will not capriciously vanish into the ether, the Cloud, or the Plane of Phlogiston.

Maybe this is the future, reclining on the red couch in my office (our office, Jane would hasten to add), for what could be less intimidating than to peck on a few keys as I lie under a fleece blanket? Certainly feels surmountable, in comparison to the dread that my perfectly innocent desk and chair setup evoke sometimes (the dread increases the longer I’ve been away from my task). All the resources of the internet are right here if I need them. For example, a few lines back my brain went dead at the thought of what the word was for the material of this blanket, so I just opened up the browser app and typed in “blanket material.” And of course, the intimacy of this phone-based textual format cannot be denied; I might otherwise be embarrassed to admit that I’d forgotten a word like fleece!

Linking and images also promise to be straightforward. Here is your dossier on the fine product of sheep. And here is an unrelated picture:

Super Bowl Nachos

…OK, so that took a little while. And I would prefer that the Super Bowl nachos were horizontal rather than vertical. But hey, that’s still kind of like magic.

Obviously working on a phone is unsuitable for any kind of in-depth editing or long-form writing. Typing is rather slow going, or at least it is with the tiny keys of my Pre. But for a quick blog post to let the world know that you’re still alive and still care, this seems like just the ticket. And getting back to the theme of writer’s dread, which we all have to face sooner or later (save perhaps that tiny minority of loathsome, never-blocked authors whose output stacks higher than the Andes), maybe this format is ideal for the crappy first draft of a scene or chapter that you just can’t get down to otherwise. Just don’t accidentally publish your tender, early story draft as a blog post!

Author: Jeff Deck

Author and administrator of this site.