
The Shadow over Portsmouth: Unchanged
Player Choice:

Booyah, Player Choice. Take that, 3K.

I wanted to get some Shadow over Portsmouth done when I came back from Toastmasters, but man, my eyes hurt… they need a break.  I just need to remember that the man with the public-access TV show is named Theodore Laplante. Or maybe LaPlante.


The Shadow over Portsmouth: 61,041
Player Choice:

Now Shadow over Portsmouth is the problem child.  They couldn’t both be cooperative– that would be too easy.  So today started with a healthy dose of Player Choice, to get in the progress while it was hot.  It did turn out to be.

Shadow over Portsmouth ended up loosening a bit once I realized where I want most of my various characters to be in town when something rather big happens.  Not a huge chunk tonight because life got in the way, but I can see it spooling out fruitfully tomorrow.


The Shadow over Portsmouth: 60,239
Player Choice:

Off on a tear with Player Choice today.  I’ve mapped out the last several chapters, and it’s an enormous relief.  I now have a specific idea of what the ending will be, and who will be carrying each of the last pieces of story.  There might actually be a rough draft resembling coherency by Christmastime.

And I squeezed out another 1K of Shadow over Portsmouth. It looks like I’ll need to do the same kind of foreplanning that I’ve just done with the other book.

Just for yuks, here’s my version of Rick Perry Mad Libs that I posted on Facebook today:

I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a gamer. But you don’t need to be on the Xbox every night from 10 pm to 3 am to know there’s something wrong in this country when Marcus Fenix can serve openly in the military but our kids can’t openly celebrate inventory management or stat customization. As President, I’ll end the game industry’s war on RPGs. And I’ll fight against n00b attacks on our Dungeons & Dragons heritage. Old-school geekery made America strong. It can make her strong again. I’m Jeff Deck, and I approve this message.