
At the Helm


It is a great gift, especially in this day and age, to be able to afford a decent home. Jane and I are extremely lucky to have a house now, especially in the beautiful Seacoast area. Lots of things about the house excite me: the historical touches, the great location, the pool and grounds, the view out the back, the turret (!).

But it is an odd experience, to be sure! Especially after a lifetime of growing up in and then renting apartments and condos.

It’s like you wake up one day and you’re suddenly the captain (or co-captain) of a mighty ship. And you’re like, “Cool, I’ve always had this fantasy of having my own ship!” And you enjoy the view of the sea all around you, with the wind off the water teasing your hair, and the places this ship can take you, and the experience of sitting out on the deck under the stars.

Then you realize… Oh shit, I have to take care of this vessel!  From starboard to port. From stem to stern. From bilge to fo’c’sle. This is a big goddamn ship, and I didn’t even go to captain’s school!

I won’t torture the metaphor any longer. Let me just say that I am extremely grateful to have a co-captain… and cheerful, voluntary help from said captain’s parents, themselves captains of a different ship…

Okay. Really, the metaphor’s going away now. Back on dry land.