
3/28 – 3/29 – Pennsylvania trip

I must account for my activities, of course, during the time that I took the train down and back to Pennsylvania to give a talk about the Great Typo Hunt.  I’ll just combine those two days into one listing:

Trip Deeds
Wrapped up freelance editing assignment — 30 GP
Practiced talk — +1 Pre, 30 GP
Edited Benjamin chapter — 30 GP
Edited my chapter and added new material — +1 Inv, 60 GP
Gave talk at an event — +2 Pre, 50 GP
Read 150 pages — 45 GP
Entertainment minutes spent ~ -300 GP
Thursday evening entertainment minutes spent ~ -210 GP

Total GP change: -265


Taking a field trip tomorrow.  Still under the weather, unfortunately.  But it’s always nice to ride on a train, particularly if it means avoiding an airplane.

Today’s Deeds
Got car-related chore done — 20 GP
Did freelance editing work — 60 GP
Ran an errand — 20 GP