

Today’s the day for some higher-order thinking.  Several issues to address in the book.  I won’t even call it Player Choice anymore.  Time to fold in some ideas and background information from my reading in various books.

Some time later… I’ve progressed in a few aspects, but there’s still much to do.  The book will now be called Stupid McFlare-pants.


Player Choice: 122,625

Did exactly what I said I was going to do and cut out the yellow text, threw it into an entirely different document altogether.  Boom, you bastards, you’re gone.  Lost about 13,000 words in the process, but who needs ’em?

Now, to make a list of everything that still needs fixing in the story.  There are some big issues, friends.  Whole arcs, even.



Player Choice: 135,828

Clogged schedule, productive in other areas but suddenly progress on those last tricky Melba chapters in the book is coming along real slow.  I think it would be an excellent time to visit the library tomorrow.  Probably first thing in the morning would be best.  Then I don’t know, a hot cocoa in the afternoon at Breaking New Grounds?  I’d love to get in two solid sessions of work (and freelancing projects will be sliding in there as well), but I think it’d be good to mix it up.