If you are interested in having me speak to or on behalf of your organization, drop me a line at jeffdeck [at] jeffdeck.com with your proposed speaking fee and event date or dates.
I’d be happy to speak about my books, how to put together and edit your manuscript, or anything else writing- or book-related.
Here are some testimonials from my past speaking events:
“Jeff Deck and Benjamin Herson put on a great presentation on typos — funny, informative, and completely engaging. The audience loved it.” —Will Shortz, Director, The Wonderful World of Words (NY)
“With mannerly dry wit and congeniality, Jeff Deck recounts the story of his cross-country trip in search of spelling and punctuation errors in public places. He is an amusing storyteller and an earnest guru for good grammar-the images of ‘problem’ billboards and signs brought a response of laughter from an appreciative crowd. Thank you Jeff Deck for an unforgettable evening.” —Betsy Hurley, Lancaster Literary Guild (PA)
“When I announced to our conference planning committee that Jeff Deck had agreed to appear, there was an audible squeal of collective delight. I knew Jeff’s presentation would be a popular draw for our attendees, none of whom left disappointed! Mix equal parts of humor, charm, and wit; fold in a smidge of sarcasm and bake until it rises — you’ll feed a lot of happy minds. Jeff has an open invitation to speak to us any time!” —Claire Natola, New Hampshire Mensa (NH)
“Jeff Deck’s engaging talk helped to make the NaNoWriMo Kick-off a success. He delighted the crowd with his humor, his accessible demeanor, and his clear and knowledgeable answers. We were so grateful for his enthusiasm too. It was contagious!” —Heather Armitage, Portsmouth Public Library (NH)
“The program Jeff Deck presented for the Central Arkansas Library System was great. He was entertaining and educational. Everyone in the audience now knows the difference between plurals and possessives. This was the first program we’ve presented where people were standing up in the back of the room to make sure they didn’t miss what was being shown – and laughing while they did. ” —Susan Hill Gele, Central Arkansas Library System (AR)
“I really enjoyed Jeff Deck’s webinar. I learned a great deal, and it was very practical advice I can use right away.” — Kerry Kellogg
“I was impressed at how the presentation was so thorough and informative. Thanks for all you do to support the New Hampshire Writers’ Project!” — Jessie Crockett, then-NHWP chair
If you’re looking for things to correct, try Microsoft Office 2010. In the Publisher program, the words business and colorful are misspelled. One would think software that enhances your business would take care that there are no mistakes.
Hi, I heard Benjamin and Jeff on NPR’s “Here and Now”. Interesting interview and I was thinking that if spelling is going to be corrected then maybe pronunciation should also be corrected. On “Here and Now” one of you said “To err is human”. The correct pronunciation is “er” not “air”.
I am pretty sure that err can be pronounced both as “air” and “urr,” but tomato tomaHto, right?
If you’re looking for things to correct, try Microsoft Office 2010. In the Publisher program, the words business and colorful are misspelled. One would think software that enhances your business would take care that there are no mistakes.
Hi, I heard Benjamin and Jeff on NPR’s “Here and Now”. Interesting interview and I was thinking that if spelling is going to be corrected then maybe pronunciation should also be corrected. On “Here and Now” one of you said “To err is human”. The correct pronunciation is “er” not “air”.
I am pretty sure that err can be pronounced both as “air” and “urr,” but tomato tomaHto, right?